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    Online Mid-term Training for ESC volunteers 8-11 June 2020 EVALUATION FORM
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    • Online Mid-term Training for ESC volunteers 8-11 June 2020 EVALUATION FORM

      Where have you found information about this event?

      If other, please describe


      Please evaluate an event.


      Was the information about this event clear and detailed enough?


      Was cooperation and reaction to your questions adequate from the organizers‘ side?

      Was the theme of event relevant to you or your organization?

      Learning conditions were favorable

      The means and methods chosen for giving information/improving competences were adequate

      The event has fulfilled my expectations

      What knowledge/competencies gained during this event You will use in your professional life?

      What information provided was not adequate/not useful for you?

      What information was missing for you in this event?

      Please, provide some other comments or suggestions for this event.

      Please share your suggestions or other important info that we should know.

      By completing this form, I give permission for my data to be held by the Agency of International Youth Cooperation and agree that the mentioned Agency may process personal data relating to me for event evaluation purposes, make such data available to its subcontractors related to this event and as required by law.
      I give my permission to the Agency of International Youth Cooperation to make my contact details available to other participants of the event in print or online.
      I am also informed that I have the right to access information about my personal data or revoke this consent to process my personal data at any time by notifying the Agency via info@jtba.lt or by following other instructions distributed by email. If the revocation of consent of data processing is not met, I am informed I have the right to complain to the supervisory authority.